Commercial Real Estate Office Interior Design Trends Part I

Q4 Real Estate’s Craig Byers brings you another informational video. Craig sits down with Hannah Hughes, Interior Designer from Fusion Architects, to discuss Commercial Office Interior Design Trends. This is Part I of the series with Hannah, so make sure you check out Part II for more trends in interior office design.

(Craig) Hey everyone! This is Craig Byers with Q4 Real Estate again, and today I am sitting here with Hannah Hughes. Hannah is the lead Interior Designer for Fusion Architects which is a company within Ahmann Companies. Hannah is here today to discuss emerging office design trends and walk us through her process when coming up with interior design ideas for certain office users in and around the corridor area. Hannah take it away.

(Hannah) Thank you for having me. I’d just like to start by saying that interior design trends are ever changing. As we learn more and as the office changes, it is always evolving and always changing. So what we like to do at Fusion is start with a foundation based on who the company is and who will be in that space, so we can ask questions like who is the company? What is their story? What do they value? What is the mission they want to represent? That could be many different things. It could be collaboration, wellness, personal development, team belonging, or their culture.

(Hannah) Some examples of how we can integrate that into the environment would be if a company values connection, maybe they have more collaborative spaces. More spaces where their team can brainstorm and work together. If they value individual effort, they can add more private areas. More areas to focus and do heads down work for their employees.

(Hannah) Another example would be if a company values creation and impact that they have, they might have product displays or display their results in customer feedback throughout their space.

(Hannah) Another example would be if they value joy they might have some fun patterns or bright colors in their space to really kind of spark those moments of joy. Those are just a few examples of how environment can impact user experience and how you can use design to integrate the company’s mission and their values. That’s what really creates a good foundation and an authentic space for the company to start the design. From there we can go in and add design trends that are happening right now.

(Craig) Perfect. That’s a lot of information. A lot of useful and good information and I appreciate your time today. If any of you out there have any further questions for Hannah, or if you yourself or your office would like to sit down with her to discuss office trends. Whether you are building a new office or going through a renovation, feel free to reach out to myself or Hannah and we can get you as much information as you need.

(Craig) Everybody have a great day and we hope to hear from you. Thank you very much!

You can watch the informational video, Commercial Office Interior Design Trends Part I below.

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For more helpful information check out our blog post titled: Commercial Real Estate Tenant Improvement Allowance.

Let one of our knowledgeable listing agents partner with you to find a commercial real estate property perfect for your business needs, and assist you in working through the lease process. Contact Jason Rogers, Craig Byers, or Luke Rogers at 319-294-3339 today!

Allow the experts at Fusion Architects help with your space planning and design planning needs. Contact Jake Allen, Lead Architect or Hannah Hughes, Interior Designer from Fusion Architects at 319-393-9011.